Identity V

Identity V APK 1.0.144431 Free Download


You are about to download the Identity V 1.0.144431 apk file for Android 4.1 and up: 1 vs 4 Asymmetrical Mobile Game ...
Please note that the Identity V apk file v1.0.144431 is the original apk file obtained from the official Google Play server. It DOES NOT contain any mod, cheat, crack or unlimited gold patch. You could now read more about Identity V app, review app permissions or choose a server to download it.
Identity V version 1.0.144431 release notes >
  1. 1. Language switching added. Currently supports English, Japanese, Traditional Chinese, and Simplified Chinese.
  2. 2. Sharing feature added.
  3. 3. Bugs fixed;
Check out apk file info before download >
• APK file:
• App permissions: review app permissions
• Signature: verify apk signature & certificate
• Size: 40062517 bytes (38.21 MB)
• MD5: F0E93B08BF2E3CC6E7F7100504B4806D
• SHA1: A1F077AFE04F2B90EC257000A7405B913CCDC23F

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